How To Change A Pur Water Filter | Complete 10 Step Guide
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PUR is known for its multiple filtration products such as water filters, water purifiers, pitchers, faucet filters, and so on so for those who have it at home, it is important to know how to change a Pur water filter.
Most of them are exclusively for the filtration process which can either be manual or automatic as well.
Pur filters are known widely due to its health benefits and a legit price for the filter making it more affordable to everyone.
The unique technology MAXION™ is one of the best and the pro-technology that removes the contaminants with the speed of light, making it a more hygienic drink.
We play twenty bucks for a one-liter water bottle per day but can’t make a one-time investment for the same.
With time, a filter in use gets worn and torn further developing alga on the inner surfaces of the filter.
This unwanted coating is very necessary for one to remove as the filter becomes less effective, further making it contaminated so here are the ten basic steps on how to change a Pur water filter.
1. Soaking The New Filter
This procedure is very important as it marks the beginning of the cleansing procedure.
Many excessive, corrosive, and degrading elements are stuck in the filter of a PUR water purifier.
Removing them requires softening them first.
To soften them, adequate measures are to be taken so that they could be removed with later processes.
There are chances of some of the excessive material staying in the same place which transfers these elements into the new filter as well.
People should avoid it at all costs.
The steps mentioned below should be followed carefully and effectively.
The new filter is placed in a deep bowl filled with cold water.
The bowl should be deep enough to let the water filter submerge in it completely not letting even the slightest part to get exposed in the air.
On placing this in the water-filled bowl, we have to leave it for 15 to 20 minutes to let out all the excessive carbon content present in the filter so that they don’t intermix with the drinking water further.
The water shouldn’t be warmer than 86°F as it can damage the filter causing damage in the inner parts of it.
The submerging also ensures the flow of water in it completely.
One must avoid using filters of other brands due to the difference in sizes and lack of tests.
2. Removing The Old Filter
Removing the old filter is necessary as already mentioned.
It is to ensure that things do not fall out of place and ensure proper drinking water safety.
This old filter can be given for restoration to the company rather than throwing it away.
The company can take a fee from you and return it to you or take it from you for restoration and then selling it.
Every old filter is useful but removing it properly is of utmost importance.
The water flow should be stopped before changing the filter.
A little leakage in the system may flood your house.
To remove the old filter from the main device one has to initially take off the lid and put it aside.
The pour tray, which is a plastic blue medium-sized tub is taken out to get hold of the cylindrical filter from the ground which is rotated in a clockwise direction to get it removed from the base.
Then, the filter is pulled out through the pour tray so the used filter can be thrown away to garbage.
One must wait until the pour tray is empty so that water doesn’t spill out and fall further creating a mess to be cleaned up.
If it takes longer for the pour tray to get empty then one can manually remove and pour the water out.
3. Rinsing
This process is all about washing and rubbing the parts of the water filter.
Make sure to use cold water, reasons, why hot or warm water should not be used, are mentioned below.
The process is to be followed up regularly.
Rinsing the filter can also be done without the need to replace it.
Cleaning of the filter kills the gems if done by cold water.
Normal water washes them off but cold water is more effective in this case.
Germs and elements that are dangerous are intolerant towards both hot and cold water but we have reasons not to use hot water.
Take out the filter after it completes fifteen minutes of undisturbed rinsing and is held under the faucet.
After this, the filter is rinsed thoroughly changing the position of the filter constantly so that it completely gets the exposure to the cold or at least, normal water in the room temperature.
Once the filter is washed thoroughly, it should be shaken well enough the remove the excessive accumulation of water.
One shouldn’t use hot or warm water to rinse it as that water can damage the water filter completely causing internal damage to the sensitive parts inside it.
The sensitive part includes the activated carbon agent, coconut shell.
This helps the water filter cleanse the water even further as it has smaller pores than that of other carbon filters.
But carbon is soluble in hot water and can destroy the main filtration unit of the PUR, this is the reason why using cold water is recommended.
4. Secure It Into The Pour Tray
The filter once cleansed and rinsed now needs to be attached to the filter at the spot where it needs to fit.
This is the tricky part of the process, the screwing and unscrewing process is the most misunderstood process in the entire list.
It is because most people get confused on which side to turn to tighten it, to loosen it, and where to fit it.
These things can be taken care of and overlooked by ensuring that the procedure mentioned below is followed without fail.
The new soaked and the rinsed filter is put in the middle of the pour tray and start screwing it in the clockwise direction until it secures a place inside.
But the disclaimer is that one must put the filter into to gap between the pour trays and push it down as much as it can go.
This step is to be followed before screwing the filter tight into the pour tray.
To check if it has fitted into the container perfectly one needs to tap at the end of the filter to check if the filter falls out of the container.
After this, the pour tray is put back at its place before the replacement of its lid.
For the people who are concerned if the filter was perfectly clicked into the tray or not they can know it when the filter falls after being trapped at the end of the tray.
These filters approximately work for 40 gallons or say 150L which can approximately go up to two months in time.
The time of the filter being able to work properly actually depends on the size of the family you have and the frequency of usage.
Some filters could work longer, and some could even work for shorter which is completely fine.
5. Reset The Device
The PUR water filter softens the hard water.
Technology has changed how the world is progressing and water is not important for survival only.
Water is also important to quench thirst and provide some minerals.
There are many necessary minerals in water that are not in the activated state.
They are activated after the water comes in contact with carbon inside the filter.
This ensures that the hardness of the water is gone and the water doesn’t feel overpowered by any particular mineral.
It is just a process of balancing the odds out.
The old devices which have no sensors can indicate the point that it’s time to change the filter only based on the bad taste of water whereas it is much easier for the newer models of such devices.
The newer models have electronic displays along with the indication bar that indicates the need to change the filter.
At the time of need, a red light blinks indicating the same.
Once the filter is replaced after following the above necessary steps, the reset button on the device is pressed continuously for 5-10 seconds until a green light frequently blinks on the lid indicating that the device has been reset.
Resetting is important but it is advised to avoid drinking water directly after resetting.
After the new filter is installed and the machine starts after resetting, throw one or two glasses of water away from the filter.
This ensures that the raw elements of the filter are eliminated in the glass of water.
6. Removal Of The Screw
Every machine has a part that acts as the glue or screw.
This ensures that all the components of the systems are held together perfectly without failure.
Components when dismembered or removed by mistake can cause a lot of problems in the working mechanism of any machine.
The same goes for the PUR water purifier.
The screw we are talking about is the most important component of the purifier.
If it is lost, the entire system would just fail or sometimes it might not function at all.
There are two types of screws found in PUR water purifiers.
The first one is the rotating screw and the other is the pull-screw.
The names suggest the way they are supposed to be removed.
Observe that there’s a screw that looks like a cap and is keeping the filtration system intact with the faucet.
Support or hold the filtration system during removal so that it doesn’t fall, break, or litter.
Slowly remove the screw in an anticlockwise direction until that faucet completely separates away from it.
After this, the filtration body is completely lifted and placed on a towel carefully to soak the water completely.
As a disclaimer, one has to be careful about the probability of water spilling out of the faucet once it is removed away from the filtration system that might cause litter and increase our physical labor.
Some filter while the process of removal might bust into the faucet and in that case, the person has to pull it down straight if he or she fails to unscrew it successfully.
7. Opening The Top Cover
Unscrewing of the major part dismantles the machine perfectly.
It allows you to remove the system of filtration which helps in the purification of water.
It somewhat dismantles the entire part of the machine which is useful in the process of filtration.
After the removal of the filtration system, hold it in a position that the top round end of the cylinder faces up.
One has to turn the top cylindrical over in an anticlockwise direction to remove it from its position and kept aside.
The tube-like old filter is straightaway pulled out of the filtration system and is examined before throwing it away into your trash.
After this is done, all we need to do is Unbox the new filter and using it properly.
8. Install The New Filter
Installation of the new filter is not as difficult as it looks.
Though you can hire professionals to do it instead of you, it is easy.
Lacing confidence while replacing the filter of your PUR water purifier can lead to wrong placement, loosened grip, and other problems that can cause issues in the system.
But, if you know the procedure of replacing your filter it is effective as the professionals take a lot of money for this simple task.
Once the top cover is open, keen observation is going to guide you through the whereabouts of the placement.
Remove the new filter from its new packaging and set it inside the filtration unit.
Put the narrow part of the filter down and the wider part that flaunts the logo upside.
One can recognize that his move was completely right only if the filter loosens inside the system.
After this process, put up the top cylindrical cover on it and start moving or rotating it in a clockwise direction until you get a click of the body.
You can testify the move by turning it upside down to check if the cover falls.
If it does, there’s something or that other that isn’t fit right, and if it doesn’t then you’re going right.
9. Reattach The Filtration System And The Faucet
After the new filter is fixed in its place properly, it demands reverse methodology to clean the havoc of parts.
The havoc is caused by the numerous parts opened and kept aside to be fixed into the purifier later.
To make the purifier work again, it is of utmost importance.
Fixing everything and putting everything back together is a difficult task.
If you are not following a guide and opening up the system, you need to have proper concentration so that you know what item to put where after fixing the filter.
If you put the wrong parts at the wrong place the machine would fail anyway.
So, make sure that you know the significance and position of each part before dismantling and reassembling things.
After finishing the settings, take and hold up the filtration unit close to the faucet firmly with bare hands so that it doesn’t fall, break and spill water on the ground to avoid extra physical hard-work and labor.
After doing this, the person needs to check if it has any external leakage or dripping by switching on the water flow.
While attaching it back to the faucet, if by any chance if the doesn’t get fixed one needs to apply or put firm pressure using external forces like adhesive tape or something of that sort to keep it going.
Adhesive tapes should be firm or chemical methods can be used for the purpose.
There are clay types of cement that harden and provide the solution to leakage.
The clay blocks of cement have two components mixed like dough or clay.
Then they are fixed on the spot without any adhesive and it would harden and prevent leakage.
10. Remove The Residues
After fixing up the filter, switch the right water flow button on and let cold and chilled water to flow so that the remaining residues flow out to let the filter work more efficiently.
After these five minutes, you can immediately turn on the filter and start its work.
These filters can take up to 100 gallons of water or say 380L which can be used for three months.
One needs to know the fact that water above a temperature of 100F shouldn’t flow out immediately after the installation as it may damage the filter along with its inner parts.
Initially, the water may look cloudy or shady but later it gets better as the running of water continues for an extended period.
Many new types of PUR water purifiers have now emerged which are somewhat advanced than the normal once.
Some of them have an ice maker as well.
These models require the utmost care while the filter is being changed.
The procedure to be followed after changing the filter is also difficult.
This gives rise to the situation of remodeling the purifier only by professional help.
The parts inside it are too complicated to be fixed by you.
The filter is common for the ice maker as well as the purifier and hence has a more dynamic and co-dependent screw design.
Be careful with the parts of these kinds of purifiers as it might cost more to get it repaired than to get a new one.
PUR Water Purifiers And The Importance Of Filter Cleansing
PUR water faucet filters are advised to be changed after every 100 gallons of water.
This is approximately a time of two to three months.
This change serves of utmost importance in the health of your family.
Water filters are nothing but, a way to stop harmful microorganisms from entering into the body of people.
Tap water is a primary source of this problem, and hence, PUR water filter cleansing or changing is very important.
When germ or carbon from the water gets into the body of people it can cause diseases.
If carbon is consumed by chance, it can cause nausea and vomiting.
Health is a matter of concern when choosing a water purifier.
As already mentioned earlier, many new types of PUR water purifiers have emerged which are technologically advanced.
Some of them have light indicators that say about the status of the filter.
There are digital screens in some other filters which ensure that all the problems in the machine are reported to the user.
There is also a specific kind of machine which beeps when it is time to change the filter.
These kinds of machines make it easy for people to know the harmful effects of deteriorated filters without saying anything but, indicating towards them.
It is quite disturbing that the modern man has no time to take care of such things.
But, man has created the machine and it is the responsibility of the machine to take care of the problems faced by humans due to this growing world.
All the problems can be tackled once identified.
There can be times when things get out of hand but we can still make the better out of it at some point in time.
We have to observe details in the working process of the machine.
Final Thoughts
After seeing the impact PUR water purifiers have on our lives and living it is essential ti know how to change a Pur water filter and make sure it is always clean.
Clean water is defined as water that is fit for drinking, is consumable, and is not dominated by harmful microorganisms or metals like iron.
The presence of iron in water makes the water hard and should be avoided at all costs.
Please check your PUR water purifier filter status regularly.
Cleaning them and replacing them with time is very important as well.