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10 Best Nitrate Water Filters And Their Reviews For 2025

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Tim Rhodes

Water comprises minerals, compounds, and elements essential in replenishing the body’s nutrient levels, and that’s why drinking high-quality water is a must, by trying the nitrate water filter you will achieve exactly that.

But to some extent, these compounds might exceed their required quantities consequently becoming harmful to human consumption.

Examples of these components include; oxygen, hydrogen, sodium, potassium, and nitrates only to tag a few.

The standard quantities recommended are 10mg/liter of nitrogen (equivalent to 45mg/liter of nitrates).

Any amount exceeding this level would possibly lead to Methemoglobinaemia (blue baby syndrome), a condition where the excess nitrates could lead to the formation of nitrites in the blood, reducing the supply of oxygen to the body.

Infants younger than 6 months are highly susceptible.


Last update on 2025-01-28 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

10 Best Nitrate Water Filters Reviewed

On the bright side, the market has recently been flooded by efficient nitrate water filters that come with different tastes and preferences to quench your specificities.

1. Express Water IROSDX

Express Water RO5DX Reverse Osmosis Filtration NSF Certified 5 Stage RO System with Faucet and Tank...

The first product floating on this list is sufficient for those in need of a quick to install purification system, a fully upgradable and customizable product.

And of course, an efficient Reverse Osmosis(R.O) fitted membrane that will sanctify your water drowning your taste buds in never-ending refreshment.

The Reverse Osmosis membranes remove up to 99% of all impurities.

These toxins comprise rust, grit and sand, bacteria, detergents, elements such as zinc, nitrates, potassium, lead, chlorine, fluoride, arsenic, heavy metals only to note a few.

With the method already proven to be highly dependable for the delivery of safe and healthy drinking water, the Express ROSDX also guarantees a clear and natural flavor that will make you want to clench your fist with every sip.

The installation occurs beneath the sink and the process itself is a slice of pie.

Most of the fittings are preassembled by the manufacturer before delivery, leaving out the easy and fun part just to you.

Sounds cool, right?

To top the cherry on the sundae, the Express ROSDX comes with an emergency leak sensor that will instantiate any moisture from outside sending the systems to a halt.

It also fills up up your tank automatedly.

So far, the Express has some transcending features.

All the same, it comes separate from other essential fittings such as the Alkaline filter, which could exsiccate your pockets.

However, here’s a list of Pros & Benefits you could delve into.

Pros & Benefits:

  • Fresh and pure water
  • Easy installation process
  • Upgradable and customizable features
  • Leak detection response
  • 50 gallons per day

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2. Water Drop RO Drinking Water Filtration System

Waterdrop G3P600 Reverse Osmosis System, 8 Stage Tankless Reverse Osmosis Water Filter, NSF/ANSI 42...

The second product is excellent for those with vast reserves of finances to tap into as well as medium to high demands of freshwater to supply.

With an appealing facade, it’s easy to install just like the Express Water IROSDX, tankless and operates with composite filters fitted with an internal pump filling your glass in at least 12 seconds.

So if you do a calculation based on the mathematics of probability, the Water Drop WD G3 W will tank up to 400 gallons of pure fresh water in just a single day.

Dropping right into its features, we find the most rhetorical feature expected on this list; The Reverse Osmosis Filtration System.

Unlike other purifiers, the G3 – W has a 7 tier purification process which ensures filtration of all present contaminants such as heavy metals, fluoride, chlorine, nitrates, hard metals, grit and sand, rust, bacteria, detergents, herbicides, and pesticides lead, and arsenic just to mention a few.

In the 6th and 7th stages, all the essential minerals filtered away are assimilated back into the purified water and the Ph levels are balanced out.

This gives you the purest and healthiest water with no fishy smells.

Its 3 filters reverse osmosis composite filter comprise of activated carbon granules conceptualized from coconut husks ensuring complete remineralization of every drop that passes through.

Its performance is certified under NSF standards, creates more space out of its impressive design, and minimizes wastage of water in return saving your billing expenses.

Pros & Benefits:

  • Purest water from a 7-stage filtration system
  • A tankless design aimed to save space
  • Efficiency and high performance
  • Easy installation
  • Minimizes water wastage

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3. Reverse Osmosis Revolution

Countertop Portable Universal 5-Stage Reverse Osmosis RO Purification Water System with DI...

Third, on the list, the product is favorable for those looking for a cost-effective product, portable, and flexible filtration system.

In simple terms, in case you’re moving out to a better apartment and you’ve cherished its performance, you simply disassemble, pack in a bag, or any other preferred place and once settled, reassembled it back.

The installation procedure is easy as the product is less bulky and less complicated.

In addition to this, it widens your kitchen storage space.

The Reverse Osmosis Revolution operates under a 5 stage filtration system.

Capable of removing a wide range of toxins, elements, and compounds such as arsenic, aluminum, bicarbonate, pesticides, herbicides, bacteria, rust, grit and sand, bacteria, detergents, zinc, potassium, lead, chlorine, fluoride, arsenic among others.

The only limiting factor to this product is the 60% – 76% filtration gait of nitrates.

It also produces at least 3 gallons of fresh water per day, considerably less in comparison to the water drop and the Express.

On a silver lining, you can substantiate the 2-way diverter and rather connect to a hose.

The flowers and the shrubberies should thrive and slake the neighborhood gossip.

Pros & Benefits:

  • Easier installation
  • Diversifiability
  • Safe and pure water

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4. Intelifil IF -SM -NITO10B

Intelifil (IF-SM-NIT010B) 10'X4.5' Full Flow Strong Anion Nitrate Removal Filter

Close to halfway on our list is the IF – SM – NITO10B filtration system.

Small and not as complex as the rest of the other products on the list, it should not be filtered out.

It’s suitable for the bachelors and the singleton leading a busy day to day schedule.

It’s also suitable for people with no families, as the purified water could transform into a great aphrodisiac if you’re still flowing with me.

For starters, you can fetch the product at quite an appealing price.

Secondly, this would be your ideal equipment to sieve all your nitrate concerns.

Its Anion Resin bead membrane is specifically designed to filter out nitrates.

In comparison, the Reverse Osmosis Revolution would be perfect in the case of an infant.

In case you get a family somewhere along the banks of this vast river of life, you have a sturdy health assurance of the growth of a healthy infant and a happy wife or husband.

Baby formulas will be 99% nitrate-free, cooked food with enhanced flavor, drinking water free from contaminants, and a resplendent taste of brewed coffee with Intelifil Purified water.

The Intelifil is furthermore less bulky, leaving room for more kitchen space.

To top it all, it lessens the alkaline levels of the purified water improving the quality and taste of the water.

Intelifil longevity in the market also proves practicality in terms of understanding the product performance as well as consumer preference.

Pros & Benefits:

  • Efficiency in nitrates filtration
  • Cost-effective
  • Pure and safe drinking water
  • Reduced alkaline levels producing a natural taste

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5. Ispring RCC 7P -AK

iSpring RCC7P-AK, NSF/ANSI 58 Certified, 6-Stage Reverse Osmosis System Under Sink Alkaline Water...

This product is ideal for those in need of a 6-Stage filtration system with a Reverse Membrane, a two in one purification, and a softening system as well as an efficient and effective product in the long term perspective.

So I know what you’re thinking; In this vast pool of equipment to choose from, which product should get my home or office settled once and for all?

I introduce you to the Ispring RCC 7P -AK.

Like most of the other filtration systems, it operates with a 6 stage reverse osmosis filtration system acclimated with Alkaline remineralization together with a pressure pump.

Sounds cool, right?

The most commonly acknowledged methods of purifying water include electrodialysis, Ion exchange, and reverse osmosis system.

In this particular instance, the Ispring employs the reverse osmosis procedure only.

It is highly efficient in terms of electrical vitality and delivers an impressive performance even through pressure fluctuations.

Through the reverse osmosis membranes, the water is safer, healthy and all unpleasant tastes and odors are eliminated.

This gives you pure, freshwater, and refreshing chills like those from a mountain stream.

In addition to Nitrates, Ispring RCC7P -AK filters up to 1,000 more impurities.

The final 6th stage restores requisite minerals as well as balances in the Ph.

Nonetheless, this is only suitable for indoor use only.

Pros & Benefits:

  • Refreshing taste
  • 6-stage filtration system
  • Durability and versatility
  • Cost-effective

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6. Aquasure AS-PR75A

Aquasure Premier 4-Stage Reverse Osmosis Under Sink Drinking Water RO Filtration Purification System...

Our sixth product on the list is ideally suitable for those keen on immaculateness in design, easy installation, and a high-quality performance return on a cost-effective budget.

Unlike the other purification systems, the aqua sure is set up with a highly efficient 75 GPD encapsulated reversed osmosis membrane capable of producing double the amount of water generated by other filtration systems and at higher frequencies compared to other reversed osmosis membranes.

Yes, that’s right.

The reversed osmosis 75 GPD membrane is designed to purify up to 1000 contaminants’ to the proficiency of 99%.

These toxins include bacteria that lead to bad odor, elements such as fluoride, chlorine, lead, nitrates, arsenic, heavy metals, plant debris, herbicides and pesticides, rust, grit and sand, detergents, zinc, and potassium just to quote a few.

With unparalleled features just like the Water Drop WD- G3 -W, the Aquasure is NSF certified for proven long term results for these new coeval features.

The Aquasure is as well easy in terms of installation, so you’ll not have to fret trying to reach for a wrench.

Another additional feature that transcends this product is the emergency leak-proof system conformed with the Flow-Lok and the Shok-Blok.

I give lots of reverence to Aquasure for this, as they’ve put a lot of exertion into sealing off any leakages which could lead to water wastage.

Any leakages won’t go unnoticed, forthwith shutting down the valves at every stage.

The technology is far more progressive in comparison with Express water, articulating the performance and response levels to a whole new level.

Pros & Benefits:

  • Highly efficient 75 GPD encapsulated reverse osmosis membrane
  • Longer filter span
  • High efficiency in terms of performance
  • Sturdy leak-proof system
  • Immaculate design

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7. Weco Tiny -36

WECO TINY-36 Reverse Osmosis Water Filter System - Compact 4-Stage RO Filtration with TFC Membrane...

Tiny -36 is the ideal filtration system for those living in contemporary RVs, boats, and spaces not large enough to accommodate a larger and conventional filtration system.

The Tiny -36 operates on a 4 stage filtration system which could be quite below the standard set by the preceding products.

Nevertheless, bid goodbye to sand and grit, sediments, rust particles, bugs, plant debris, nefarious elements such as nitrates, potassium, lithium, bacteria, detergents, zinc, lead, chlorine, fluoride, arsenic, heavy metals, and many more.

With the Thin Film Composite(T.F.C), flow with me here, 99% of contaminants are filtered leaving you with pure, refreshing, and healthy drinking water.

With the reduced filtration cycles, you should expect no remineralization of the filtered benevolent nutrients in comparison with the likes of Ispring and Water Drop.

On the silver lining, you don’t get any clogged pipes, large storage spaces due to its small and fitting design, and most importantly, you can go out fishing on a boat and still escort that grilled tuna with a glass of pure refreshing water.

Pros & Benefits:

  • Versatility in terms of installation
  • 36 gallons of water per day
  • Pure, safe, and odorless water
  • Cost-effective
  • Fitting design leaving the additional room

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8. Rinkmo 75GPD

Rinkmo Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System 6-Stage 75 GPD Plus Extra Set of Faucet and Tank,...

With the likes of Ispring, this product is precise for those looking for a 6 stage purification system, a cost-effective product, and one which is easy to maintain.

Just like other purification systems, the reverse osmosis membrane purifies your water up to 99%.

This includes elements such as nitrates, which are periodically our subject of discussion, potassium, zinc, chlorine, asbestos, oil, arsenic, rust, grit, and sand, bacteria, detergents, lead, fluoride, arsenic, heavy metals amongst a puddle of many more.

With the 6-Stage filtration process installed, the alkaline water filter with active mineral technology redirects the healthy nutrients back into the water as well as reducing the PH of the alkaline levels.

The equipment comes fully equipped, making the installation procedure a walk in the Park.

This in turn cuts your cost in terms of hiring professionals to install and in the long run, its filter replacement doesn’t mandate disassembly of the entire unit.

This implies its efficiency, ease, and Inexpensive in terms of maintenance.

This would be an ideal product for a cornered budget.

The package also carries with is a tank and faucet fully plated with chrome.

With lead absent, the purified water in the tank is completely safe from lead and rust and the tank is fitted for securing leaks.

Pros & Benefits:

  • 6 stage purification process
  • Controlled levels of lead
  • Alkaline levels balanced
  • Cheap to maintain
  • Warranted for one year

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9. Ukoke RO75GP

Ukoke RO75GP 6 Stages Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System, Under Sink pH+ Alkaline...

Just like the Rinkmo and the Ispring, this product will satisfy the taste of those looking for a 6 -Stage purification system, easy installation, and those afraid to sink too deep into their pockets.

The standard 6 -Stage filtration system fitted with reverse osmosis, the membrane will purify arsonists, heavy metals, harmful elements such as potassium, nitrates, chlorine, fluoride, bacteria, oil and grit, detergents, pesticides and herbicides, plant and insect debris among thousand more impurities.

As reanalyzed severally, the carbon granulated fittings on the fifth phase sieve out the necessary minerals.

Most of the 5 stage filtration systems will leave the water with a PH of 7 and below which won’t have an appealing taste.

But don’t get carried away yet.

The final filtration phase will redirect back the essential minerals back to the purified water.

It will also counteract the PH levels giving the drink a natural and refreshing taste.

Switching lanes, great news for DIY enthusiasts.

If you’re often curious enough to get your stuff fixed, then settle down with this product.

The Ukoke’s manual illustrations are user friendly and won’t keep you guessing.

This makes the installation easy, pocket friendly, and doesn’t cost much of your precious time.

It also boasts a booster pump for instances where water pressure is insufficient and needs a little more pressure.

This means more gallons to quench your thirst.

Lastly, it’s certified and tested under NSF and ANSI guidelines unveiling to you a high-efficiency product.

Pros & Benefits:

  • Easy installation
  • Pure and safe drinking water
  • Efficient performance
  • Pocket friendly
  • Leak-free systems

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10. Alec ROES-50

APEC Water Systems ROES-50 Essence Series Top Tier 5-Stage WQA Certified Ultra Safe Reverse Osmosis...

We ultimately end our list with the Alec ROES-50 purification system.

Before I channel my final views, I’ll stream my revered sentiments regarding the Apec Roes-50 as it’s a really interesting product.

For starters, it’s suitable for a young family household in need of a high-efficiency purification system that will serve for the long term, leak-free fittings, and first on the list, an inbuilt noise reduction system.

The 5 tier purification system will dissolve all contaminants and all your worries.

It probably won’t balance the PH levels like the Water Drop WD-G3-W, UkokeRO75GP, Ispring RCC P75- AK, and the Rinkmo 75GPD, but for all other impurities? – Gone.

With a noise reduction system, you’ll enjoy a refreshing cup of mid-day coffee or late night tea with little or fewer distractions.

You’ll also be at ease as the Apec connections and fittings come of high quality and leak-free properties slushing the maintenance costs significantly.

For the installation process, easy.

It also works adequately with a permeated pump.

It’s much more efficient and the results are almost immediate.

The design and engineering of the product are certified and approved for safe and healthy drinking water.

It also comes with a two-year warranty which is furthermore new to the list.

So while you enjoy your fresh glass of pure refreshing water, your mind is crystal clear as the Apex team offers you a long-term contingency plan.

Pros & Benefits:

  • Easy installation
  • Pure refreshing water
  • High-quality product
  • Pocket friendly
  • 2-year warranty

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Points To Consider Before Making a Purchase

Before wrapping things up, it would be paramount if I stipulated a few important factors to look out for before selecting the right purification system.

Having a wide variety to choose from from the market, it would be wide to make a thorough comparison between quality in comparison to price.

Second is the number of people you aim to supply the freshwater with; per se an office setting, a large homestead, a large corporate or an institution, or a small family setting.

Next on to the list is customer reviews.

Shopping online has been made easier as comments have now been availed where one can read the feedback from the clients that have already consumed the product, and are giving their experience with the product.

Another important element is spacing.

Get a system that fits your residence comfortably.

Moving forward, what exactly are your actual specifications – what exactly you want?

Do you want filtration of impurities only or you want the complete package of purification, softening, and balancing of the Ph?

Last but not least is the flexibility of the supplier, the terms and conditions of the manufacturer, and any warranty offered.

In case you’ve purchased the product and later proves to be inconveniencing, can you get a refund or a replacement?

Finally, another paramount aspect many people leave out is the aspect of cost and long term maintenance.

A product might be cheap to purchase, but expensive in maintaining, changing the filters, probably leaking issues and other factors that might crop up.

Also, check on quality products that are offering coupons and discounts.

This is a long-term investment, so be strategic and precise in terms of selection.

Final Thoughts

With great depths and analysis, those were the top ten best nitrate water filter and their reviews.

From price range to effectiveness, they comprise of the fairest products you could find out there.

I’ve put great consideration to the efficiency and performance of the equipment, cost-effectiveness and maintenance cost, contrast and comparison, customer feedback amongst other primal factors for any potential prospect.

So there’s no need for pressure, just fill in your glass and have a sip while you dive into the vast pool of immense selections to decide upon.

In financial terms, a slight mistake could lead to a cornered budget which would be quite distasteful especially during this pandemic.

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